The final life event that you need to get through before you can start telling people that you are a proper adult that deserves respect is to graduate from college. Graduation day will be the culmination no small quantity of sweat, tears and possibly even blood if you were there on a sports scholarship. You can also take these things to be metaphorical, since even if you were to sit in an air conditioned room for the duration of your college going experience and maintain a level of stoicism that prevents a single tear from escaping your eye, the impact would be largely the same.
Given all of the struggles that you would have to get through in order to reach graduation day, it makes sense that you would want to pull out all of the stops and make it as memorable as can be. At this point you might be thinking that nothing could make your graduation any more memorable than it already is, but that’s simply because you haven’t heard of yet! You see, you can make the day that you finally pass through college and obtain your much needed degree seem like a truly stellar event if you arrive at the college in a limo.
You need to understand that many people will be there at the college graduation ceremony so that they can recruit willing employees. Arriving in a limo will instantly put you on their radar, and they would want to come and have a talk with you due to the impression that they got from your display of grandeur. You don’t have to accept their offer, but it will be worth giving it a listen just to know what you are worth.

Clara loves to write. Since she was a kid, writing is her passion already. She loves to tell a story through writing. For her, it is the best way to give a message to the people who need inspiration today.